by Suzanne Lieurance

character sketch

If you write fiction, creating simple character sketches (also called character profiles) can be super useful because they will provide the following:

1. Clarity: It’s like having a roadmap for your characters. Simple sketches help you keep things clear in your head and avoid getting lost in the details.

2. Consistency: Ever had a character suddenly change their personality halfway through a story? Sketches help you keep them consistent, so they don’t start acting all weird on you.

3. Efficiency: Simple sketches help you figure out what’s important about your characters, which really helps when you’re starting to plot out a story.

4. Focus: When you know the basics of your characters, you can focus on how they interact with each other and move the story forward, instead of constantly trying to remember who they are.

5. Inspiration: Sometimes all it takes is a simple sketch to spark a brilliant idea. It’s like planting a seed in your brain and watching it grow into a beautiful story tree.

6. Flexibility: With a simple sketch, you’re not locked into anything. You can always add more details later if you want or change things up if the story takes an unexpected turn.

7. Connection: When you understand your characters better, your readers will too. Simple sketches help you create characters that feel real and relatable, so your readers will be more invested in your story.

Now, try writing a simple character sketch today (Day 2) as part of our 5-Day Daily Writing Challenge.

Click on the picture, below, to join our Facebook group and take part in this challenge.

character sketch

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