by Suzanne Lieurance

Start a Manifestation Journal

If you wish to become a successful writer, journaling about your future can be a powerful tool for manifesting that future and the writing life of your dreams.

For that reason, create your own Manifestation Journal.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started journaling about your future, plus some journaling prompts to use for each step.

Step #1. Set Clear Intentions.

Begin journaling about your future by setting clear intentions for what you want to manifest as a writer.

These intentions should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals).

Write down exactly what you want to manifest, why it’s important to you, and by when you want to achieve it.

Journaling Prompts You Might Use for This Step:

What is your purpose or mission as a writer? That is, who will you be writing for and how will your writing help them in some way (even if it’s simply to entertain them)?

What kinds of things do you wish to write to fulfill this mission?

What themes or topics do you want to explore in your writing?

How do you want your writing to impact others?

What legacy do you hope to leave as a writer?

You can journal about any of these questions in your Manifestation Journal.

Reread your journal from time to time to see if any of your goals have changed, then journal about those changes.

Step #2. Visualize Your Ideal Future.

Before you start a journaling session, close your eyes and imagine your ideal future as a writer in vivid detail.

Picture yourself living the writing life you desire, reaching your writing and publishing goals.

Try to use all your senses to make the visualization as “real” as possible.

Envision your ideal writing space and you working there.

Now, start writing down all these details in your journal.

Journaling Prompts You Might Use for This Step:

What do you see yourself doing when you are the successful writer you wish to be?

What would you say to readers/buyers at one of your future book signings? Journal about this is great detail.

Describe your ideal writing space in great detail.

Make up a conversation/situation with the literary agent of your future and write it down. Make it fun! Perhaps he is telling you about your upcoming book tour, for example.

Again, reread what you’ve written in your Manifestation Journal from time to time.

It will be fun to recognize what you’ve manifested since you started the journal.

It will also be good to make adjustments in your journal as needed.

Step #3. Write in the Present Tense.

When journaling about your future, write as if your writing goals have already been reached.

For example, instead of saying, “I will be a world-famous, best-selling author,” write, “I am a world-famous, best-selling author. ”

This helps create a sense of belief and certainty.

Journaling Prompts You Might Use for This Step:

What does a typical writing day look like for you?

How do you feel as you write, revise, and publish your work?

What positive feedback are you receiving from readers, agents, and editors or clients?

Journal about your current work-in-progress and any challenges you might be having as you write.

Also, journal about what you are enjoying about the process of writing this piece of work.

Step #4. Be Specific.

Write down specific details about your future manifestations, including what they look like, feel like, and how they impact your life.

Describe the emotions you’ll experience when you achieve your goals and the actions you’ll take to get there. Try to feel these emotions now as you’re journaling.

Journaling Prompts You Might Use for This Step:

How do you feel when you get that first client or book contract? Be very thorough here. Journal about this for 5 to 10 minutes.

Create a conversation you expect to have with someone who admires your work. This can be really fun, so let your imagination run wild here.

Journal about guest starring on a popular podcast, tv show, or radio show. What will you be talking about? What’s the name of the show or podcast? Give details, lots of details.

Step #5. Express Gratitude.

Express gratitude for the manifestations that have already come into your life and those that are on their way.

Gratitude helps to shift your focus from what you lack to what you already have, creating a positive mindset that leads to manifestation.

If you’re so new writing that you haven’t written anything from start to finish yet, or ever been published, don’t worry. You still have things to be grateful for as far as writing goes.

For example, be grateful that you’ve finally decided to get started as a writer.

Be grateful that you’ve connected with other writers by reading different articles and posts here at

If you’ve subscribed to The Morning Nudge, be grateful that you receive a short email each weekday morning to help you stay motivated and focused to reach your writing dreams.

Journaling Prompts You Might Use for This Step:

What writing accomplishments have you achieved?

What lessons have you learned along the way?

What are you most grateful for about being a writer?

What do you love most about the writing process?

Step #6. Create Affirmations.

Create positive affirmations into your journaling practice to reinforce your beliefs and intentions.

Repeat affirmations such as “I am worthy of my dreams,” “I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to,” and “I am living the writing life of my dreams.”

Journaling Prompts You Might Use for This Step:

Create affirmations that will help you overcome limiting beliefs, fear of failure or even fear of success.

To do this, write down a list of limiting beliefs you have that are holding you back from being the writer you wish to be, then turn these limiting beliefs onto positive beliefs that will help you reach your writing goals.

Make these positive beliefs statements that you can use as affirmations each day.

Keep these statements in your journal, but also write some of them on index cards and place them on your writing desk, nightstand, and other places where you will see them throughout the day and especially right before you go to bed each night.

Step #7. Reflect Regularly.

Make journaling about your future a regular practice.

Set aside time each day or week to reflect on your goals, track your progress, and make any necessary adjustments to your intentions.

Consistency is key to manifesting your writing and publishing goals.

Journaling Prompts You Might Use for This Step:

Continue to explore any self-doubt or limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from success as a writer.

Where do these beliefs stem from?

How can you challenge and overcome them?

Step #8. Take Inspired Action.

Manifestation isn’t just about writing down your goals and waiting for them to magically appear.

It also requires taking inspired action towards your dreams.

Use your journal to brainstorm action steps and create a plan to turn your intentions into reality.

Journaling Prompts You Might Use for This Step:

Create an action plan for the coming months, detailing what you will do to manifest your writing dreams.

Journal about the kind of writing schedule you now have as a successful writer. How often, and for how long, do you work each week, for example?

What kinds of things do you do to constantly improve your writing and expertise as an author or freelance writer?

What course, workshops, conferences, writing groups, etc. do you want to join and when will you get started on these things?

Step #9. Stay Open and Detached.

While it’s important to be clear about what you want to manifest, it’s also crucial to stay open to unexpected opportunities and outcomes.

Trust that the universe has a plan for you and remain detached from the exact form your manifestations take.

Journaling Prompts You Might Use for This Step:

Explain how excited you are to be on the writing path, where unexpected opportunities come to you all the time.

Explain how at ease you are as a writer now that you’ve learned to trust the process and simply stay focused on writing consistently.

Step #10. Celebrate Your Successes.

Finally, celebrate your successes along the way.

Acknowledge and celebrate every milestone, no matter how small, to reinforce positive behavior and keep yourself motivated on your journey.

Journaling Prompts You Might Use for This Step:

What action or actions have you taken this week to reach your writing goals?

What is something new you’ve learned about the writing process or the business of writing this week?

What improvements do you see in your writing?

Reflect on your strengths as a writer. What sets you apart from others? What skills do you excel in?

By keeping a Manifestation Journal, as described in this post, you’ll be more likely to stay focused and write consistently, so you manifest the writing career or life as a best-selling author that you’ve always wanted.

Try it!

And here are some more tools to help you.

First, if you haven’t clearly established an overall mission for yourself as a writer, get our handy Defining Your Mission as a Writer Worksheets here. Your mission is very important because it will guide you to the writing life you really want, not just what you “think” you might want.

Subscribe to Manifesting Monthly, our magazine with helpful tips and resources for writing and manifesting your writing dreams. It’s delivered to your email box at the end of every month.

And join our free Facebook group, the Law of Attraction for Writers.

Also, become one of our Monday Morning Manifestors here.

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