Search Results for: writing coach

Why You Need a Writing Coach

Why You Need a Writing Coach

Yes, Every Writer Needs a Writing Coach. Here’s why. If you look around at the top performers today in any field—sports, sales, or even coaching itself—you’ll find that almost all of these top performers have at least one thing in common. They all had a coach at one time or another in their professional careers….

How to Avoid Shiny Object Syndrome and Stay Focused on Your Writing Goals

How to Avoid Shiny Object Syndrome and Stay Focused on Your Writing Goals

by Suzanne Lieurance Are you suffering from shiny object syndrome? You know what I’m talking about. You tend to be easily distracted by new, exciting, or novel things. You find yourself constantly chasing after the next big idea or opportunity without fully committing to or following through with your current writing projects or goals. In…

5 Ways to Use Your Journal to Become a Better Writer and Build Your Writing Practice

5 Ways to Use Your Journal to Become a Better Writer and Build Your Writing Practice

by Patricia Bumpass, Contributing Editor You’ve heard it before. In order to be a better writer, you have to do what? Write, write, and write some more. Typically, we think of journaling as writing about the daily happenings in our lives. But the reality is that journaling can help you increase your writing practice and…

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