Every Sunday I post new creative writing prompts here for the week ahead.

Choose one or more prompts each day and start writing a short story, a poem, or even a song.

Do this every morning and you will have created a regular writing practice.

Here are this week’s prompts:


1. Mia had always wanted a baby. But she wasn’t prepared for two such tiny creatures all at once.

2. It was all anyone was talking about in the village. As of this morning, the country was at war.

3. How careless of Steven to send emails to Ursula declaring his undying love for her when he knew his wife had access to them. Although, maybe he wasn’t being careless at all.

4. Clara woke early, thinking the day would be much like any other day. But then the phone rang…

5. Sybil Carson had married the man her family expected her to marry. And he was a kind and loving man. But Sybil longed for more. She longed for passion and excitement and…

6. Everyone told Ellie that Venice was a charming city. But she wanted to find out for herself, even if she had to do so alone.

7. Lydia never made important decisions carefully. She was always impulsive. And now she was paying the price.

8. When Megan got off the bus in New York City, she planned to fade into the crowd of people there and leave everything about her old life behind.

9. Abby watched her house burn to the ground, and then she smiled.

10. Anna never expected her mother to leave her anything of value or importance when she died.

11. Tanya had been left behind many times, and she always made the best of it. But this time…

12. Harry had plans…big plans for his future. But he knew his wife wasn’t going to like them.

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