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Hattie Peck

About the book

Poor Hattie Peck simply loves eggs, but she has only ever laid one egg—and it never hatched. Eggs are all she thinks about, all she dreams about. No egg is too big; no egg is too small. So if she can’t lay another egg, she’s going to have to go out into the world to find one.

Hattie embarks on a journey in search of all the abandoned eggs. She dives to the deepest depths of vast oceans. She soars over gigantic cities and climbs up mountains towering above the clouds. Through gloomy dark caves, deep below the ground, Hattie searches. And she doesn’t find just one egg. There are so many abandoned eggs, just waiting for her to find them!

With her newly gathered eggs in tow, Hattie Peck returns home. Sitting on so many eggs at once is quite the task, but Hattie doesn’t mind. Days and weeks pass, until one day, finally, there’s a Crack! Scratch! Tap! But what will happen when all those eggs hatch together?

Energetic and colorful illustrations fill this story with humor and fun. Kids will take away positive messages about making your dreams come true in unexpected ways. This can also work as an adoption story about unconditional love. With a cute surprise ending, this is sure to make kids laugh and smile.

Title: Hattie Peck
Author: Emma Levey
Illustrator: Emma Levey
Age Range: 3 – 6 years
Hardcover: 32 pages
Publisher: Sky Pony Press
ISBN-10: 1634501705
ISBN-13: 978-1634501705
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