Here are some more holiday writing prompts from Gladys Swedak.

holiday writing

1. You’ve had the most marvelous Thanksgiving possible, now you have to write an essay for a class that shows, not tells why that day was so special. In words show your reader what the day was like.

2. You are a Canadian who came to visit family for the U.S Thanksgiving. How is theirs different than the Canadian? Not including the different month.

3. What does the Christmas season mean to you? Are you someone who no matter what will say Merry Christmas or have you gone with the masses and said happy holiday? Why are you doing whichever you are doing?

4. You are going to a warm climate for the Christmas holidays. Where are you going, who is going with you and what are you planning on doing Christmas Day and New Year’s Day?

5. You have come from a climate that has no snow into the north where this will be the first Christmas with that white stuff. Where did you go and what do you do, what is your first experience with snow?

6. You got married this year, and your in-laws are coming for Christmas dinner. Have you met them before? Do you like them and they you or not? What happens, is it a happy day or a miserable one?

7. Black Friday is now behind you. You had planned to shop on line but your computer crashed and you had to go out into the stores to purchase what you wanted. What was your first experience like in the stores on one of the busiest days of the year?

8. You get a puppy or kitten for Christmas from your boy/girlfriend. What kind is it? Did you want a puppy or kitten anyway? How does this change your relationship?

9. For Christmas you wanted an engagement ring from your longtime boyfriend. You didn’t get one. What happens now?

10. You have decided this Christmas you will not be the only one making the meal and cleaning up before and after Christmas Day. What happens?

Let these holiday writing prompts give you comfort and joy.

About Gladys Swedak
writing prompts Gladys Swedak is a senior living in Vancouver with her husband and two cats. She started writing a number of years ago after telling her husband she had a story for a prompt in a biweekly paper. He told her there is a computer downstairs and to go and write it. She didn’t win the contest but it got her back into writing. She likes writing fiction and usually writes from a line prompt or even a picture.

Gladys is the author of White Medicine Woman and The Wild Ones (about gentling wild horses without their knowledge of being trained). The Wild Ones is from the horse’s point of view.

Gladys has a story in Chicken Soup for the Nurses Soul and two stories in Crossing the Rainbow Bridge.


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