by Cathy Fyock

Maybe you’ve just started on your book.

Maybe you’re almost done.

Wherever you are in the process, it’s not too late to begin to promote your book NOW.

Here are twenty simple things you can do before your book is launched.

Begin your action planning NOW!

1. Get the cover art completed for the book and add the picture to your email signature and website.

2. Ask ten or more influential friends, colleagues, clients, or readers to review all or part of the book and provide you with short, punchy testimonials that you can use to promote the book. Include these in the front section of your book, on the book’s cover, and on other promotional materials.

3. Create or update your website, and include the picture of the book’s cover, a short description of the book, and a compelling testimonial (see #2). Pre-sell the book or push for readers to buy on your launch date.

4. Add “Author of the forthcoming book” to your email signature (along with the cover art in #1).

5. Create a media list of your local paper, alum publications, and membership organizations with contact information. Develop a list of other interest groups that will want to know about your book (for example, human resources organizations if your book is for HR professionals).

6. Create a one-sheet describing the book.

7. Create a postcard or bookmark. Include the book’s cover, a short description, and a testimonial. When you need more business cards, add your book’s cover to the back of your card.

8. Write media releases to send to your list in #5.

9. Write an article on the topic your book with a connection to current news, or excerpt articles from the book. Be sure to indicate the connection with your forthcoming book with information on how to order it.

10. Set dates for book launch parties. Realize that your family, friends, colleagues and readers want to be a part of these exciting, celebratory events. And don’t forget that you can schedule “live” parties as well as “virtual” parties (delivered via webinar for out-of-town contacts).

11. Create a list to invite to your book launch parties (virtual and live). Build your data base now and always to expand your platform.

12. Begin promoting your book on social media with teasers about your book’s topic. Be sure to use pictures of your book cover when possible. Start a Facebook page for your book. Promote your book launch parties via Facebook events and other social media outlets.

13. Pre-sell books on your website.

14. Create a signature for autographing your book. For example, when I sign copies of my book On Your Mark: From First Word to First Draft in Six Weeks, I sign, “Make your mark!”

15. Create a presentation on your book’s topic. This can be in the form of webinars, keynotes, workshops, or facilitations/readings for book club meetings.

16. Build your database of contacts, including those on social media.

17. Create a one-page flyer on your speaking topics related to the book. Include your speaking credentials and testimonials about you as a speaker.

18. Develop “tweetable” clips from the book to use to promote your book on Twitter that are 140 characters or less. Create your own hashtag for your book (for example, my forthcoming book’s hashtag is #HallelujahTheBook for my book titled, Hallelujah! An Anthem for Purposeful Work).

19. Wear a button, “Ask me about my book” when you attend networking events or travel on business (I give these to my coaching clients, and I always wear mine!).

20. Tell EVERYONE about your new book. It creates excitement and energy about the book’s release!

Cathy Fyock

About Cathy Fyock
Cathy Fyock is Your Possibility Partner, helping professionals who want to get their books DONE. She is the author of On Your Mark: From First Word to First Draft in Six Weeks, and Hallelujah! An Anthem for Purposeful Work. She can be reached at 502-445-6539 or at [email protected].

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