Yes, editors have a greater need for nonfiction than for fiction, and your chances of selling nonfiction are therefore greater than your chances of selling fiction are.

But editors still will not buy boring or substandard nonfiction!

Teleclass Recording – How to Write Better Nonfiction

You’ll get loads of tips for writing better nonfiction that sparkles and sells in this recorded tele class.

In this audio you will learn and discover:

• How better prep work contributes to writing better nonfiction

• Tips for creating the sparkling sentences and powerful paragraphs that make better nonfiction

• Special tips for beginnings, middles, and endings that will hook and keep readers reading your nonfiction

• How revisiting and revising are essential for writing better nonfiction
Buy this writer’s workshop recording now for only $4.97 to learn how to write better nonfiction that sells.

P.S. If you want to write a children’s novel, Click Here.

This class can show you how to write a middle grade novel in just one month. There are audios and handouts to walk you through the process. Created by children’s author Nancy I Sanders.