by Suzanne Lieurance

writer's mindset

Do you ever daydream about living your ultimate writer’s life?

You know, the life where you’re cranking out bestsellers from a cozy cabin in the woods or your favorite beach, or tapping away at your laptop in a bustling café, fueled by endless cups of coffee and inspiration?

Yeah, that dream.

But sometimes it feels like there’s an invisible force holding you back, keeping you from reaching those writing dreams.

Spoiler alert: It might just be your mindset.

So, what is your mindset?

Your mindset is like the software that runs your brain.

It’s the collection of beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts that shape how you see the world and yourself in it.

And when it comes to writing, your mindset can either be your biggest cheerleader or your harshest critic.

So, what kind of mindset do you have when it comes to your writing goals?

Are you filled with confidence, believing wholeheartedly in your ability to succeed?

Or are you plagued by self-doubt, constantly questioning whether you’re good enough?

If it’s the latter, you’re not alone.

Let’s take a look at some common mindset trap writers often face that keep them from reaching their writing dreams.

Mindset Trap #1- Imposter syndrome

If have a nagging feeling that you’re a fraud and don’t deserve success, you’re suffering from imposter syndrome.

This is common among writers.

It’s like having a little voice in your head constantly whispering, “You’re not good enough,” or “Who do you think you are?”

But here’s the thing: Those thoughts are just that – thoughts.

They’re not facts.

And they certainly don’t have to determine your reality.

You have the power to challenge and change your mindset, to rewrite the script running through your brain.

Start by becoming aware of those negative thoughts when they pop up.

Notice them, acknowledge them, and then kindly let them go.

Replace them with positive affirmations.

Remind yourself of your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem.

Celebrate every word written, every rejection received, every milestone achieved.

Mindset Trap #2 – Fear of Failure

You know the drill: “What if no one likes my writing?” or “What if I never get published?”

But here’s a little secret: Failure is not the end of the road; it’s actually just part of the path to success.

Start seeing failure as a learning opportunity.

Every rejection letter, every critique, every setback is a chance to grow and improve as a writer.

Instead of seeing any small failure as a roadblock, see it as a steppingstone on your journey to greatness.

Mindset Trap #3 – Constantly Comparing Yourself to Other Writers

Do you often compare yourself to other writers and feel inadequate as a result?

It’s like scrolling through Instagram and seeing all those #amwriting posts and feeling like you’re falling behind.

But everyone’s writing journey is different.

What works for one writer may not work for another.

So instead of getting caught up comparing yourself to other writers, focus on your own path.

Set realistic goals, create a writing routine that works for you, and above all, stay true to yourself and your unique voice.

Your Mindset Can Be the Key That Unlocks Your Writing Dreams or the Chain That Holds You Back.

It’s up to you to choose which it will be.

So, take a deep breath, silence that inner critic, and believe – truly believe – in your ability to succeed as a writer.

Your dream writing life is waiting for you; all you have to do is take the first step to manifesting it.

Try it!

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