by Suzanne Lieurance

law of attraction challenges

Utilizing the law of attraction to become a successful writer presents several challenges, often related to how you interpret and apply this law.

Here are some of the biggest challenges you might face as a writer:

Understanding the Law of Attraction.

The law of attraction is based on the idea that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life.

You may struggle with understanding how this abstract concept practically applies to your writing and career goals.

It’s really pretty simple, though.

Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.

For example, if you want to write a novel, monitor your internal dialogue.

If you keep thinking, “I don’t know if I can write a complete novel,” or “no one will want to read this”, those are thoughts of what you don’t want.

Change those thoughts to “I know I can write a complete novel because I am willing to do what it takes to make this happen” and “I’m sure to write something thousands of people will want to read.”

Maintaining Consistency.

Consistency in positive thinking and visualization can be difficult, especially when faced with rejections, criticism, or writer’s block.

As a writer, you must consistently focus on your goals and desired outcomes, which can be challenging during periods of doubt or frustration.

Again, keep your thoughts and visualizations on what you do want, not on what you don’t want.

Balancing Realism with Optimism.

There’s a delicate balance between being optimistic about your writing career and being realistic about the industry’s challenges.

You need to stay motivated and positive while also navigating the practical aspects of your career, like improving your craft, meeting deadlines, and handling rejection.

Don’t give up when your work is rejected.

Simply learn from it and start writing again.

Every professional writer has faced rejection and continues to face it as they write for publication.

Avoiding Magical Thinking.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that positive thinking alone will lead to success.

You must avoid this pitfall and understand that the law of attraction can help you maintain a positive outlook, but hard work, persistence, and skill development are crucial for success.

Remember, you can’t be a best-selling author if you never write a book.

Defining Clear Goals.

Successful application of the law of attraction requires clear, specific, and achievable goals.

You may struggle with setting precise objectives, which can make it hard to focus your thoughts and energies effectively.

Stick to one major writing goal at a time.

For example, if your goal is to become a published children’s picture book author, focus all your energy and positive thoughts on that goal until you achieve it.

If you wish to become a best-selling novelist, focus on writing your first novel and getting it out there with an agent or publisher.

If you focus on too many writing goals at once, it’s difficult to stay focused, making it difficult for the universe to work with you.

Dealing with Disappointment.

Not all aspirations manifest in exactly the way you are expecting them to.

Handling disappointment and persevering in such situations is a significant challenge, requiring resilience and adaptability.

Plus, as writers, we tend to want things to happen more quickly than they usually do.

Relax, knowing that success will come when you are really ready for it.

Integrating the law with Actionable Plans.

The law of attraction needs to be integrated with actionable plans.

You must not only visualize success but also engage in practical steps towards achieving it, such as writing daily, seeking feedback, submitting work, and learning from others in the industry.

Lack of Support.

It’s difficult to overcome each of these challenges on your own.

So it’s also a good idea to connect regularly with other writers who are utilizing the law of attraction to reach their writing goals.

They can help you become more aware of limiting thoughts that might be hindering your progress and they can help you overcome each of the challenges you face, so you become the writer you know you were meant to be.

Now, before you go, if you haven’t subscribed to The Morning Nudge, be sure to do that now, so you get our Law of Attraction Checklist for Writers and free access to our Private Resource Library for Writers, as well as a short email every weekday morning to help you manifest your writing dreams!

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