Self-Doubt Can Keep You from the Success You Really Want

woman with self-doubt

Self-doubt can cause you to have trouble taking action to reach your goals. Ask yourself this question, “Am I talking myself out of success?”

I see people do this all the time.

They say they want something, but in the next breath they start (or probably can’t) do, have, or be the very thing they want.

Sound familiar?

We all do this from time to time and most of the time we don’t even realize we’re doing it.

So write this question on an index card and place it near your computer (or on your kitchen counter) so you can see it throughout the day:

Am I talking myself out of success?

Then, if you hesitate to take action toward your goals today, look at this question.

It will help you realize the only thing keeping you from success is that you keep talking yourself out of it.

And once you realize you’re doing this, you can stop doing it.

Try it!

Suzanne Lieurance

the morning nudge

P.S. Get more tips like this one when you order your copy of The Morning Nudge: 101 Tips for Successful Freelance Writing, available at

P.P.S. Click Here for more on self-confidence

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