by Suzanne Lieurance

The Law of Attraction for Writers

The Secret, a book by Rhonda Byrne that talks about the law of attraction and how to use this law in your life, probably doesn’t immediately come to mind when you think about writing something and building a career as a writer.

Yet this law really does have a lot to do with how successful you will be as an author or freelance writer.

The basic premise of The Secret is that you attract the things you constantly think about.

But, of course, you can’t simply think about becoming a best-selling novelist yet never write a novel, for example.

The same thing goes if you want to be a successful freelance writer.

You have to get some clients or writing projects in order to build a freelance writing career.

So, here’s how the law of attraction comes into play, no matter what kind of writer you wish to be.

The basic steps to manifest your dreams using the law of attraction are simple.

Step 1: Ask for What You Want.

You may think you know what you want as far as writing goes, but those thoughts are often vague or not put in the right perspective.

Get specific.

Instead of thinking (or saying or writing in your journal) that you want to be a published writer, you need to start thinking about what kind of book you will write (if you want to be an author) or what kind of client you will write for (if you’re wanting to write for other businesses).

Make your list of wants very precise all the way down to the smallest detail.

If you aren’t sure what kinds of materials you wish to write, you might start by creating an overall mission statement for yourself as a writer.

This mission statement will help you get clear about who you wish to write for and what you hope your writing will do for these people.

Your mission is very important because it will guide you to the writing life you really want, not just what you “think” you might want.

Once you know what you want to write and who you will write it for (your specific audience), use visual reminders to help keep you focused.

If you want to be the author of a best-selling self-help book who is well-paid for public speaking, for example, then find a picture of someone speaking at an event that you want to attend as a speaker.

Print the picture out and post it where you’ll see it every day.

You can do this with anything you want.

The mind works well with visual reminders and clues.

Step 2: Believe You Can Get It.

Believe that you can have, do, or be whatever it is you are trying to manifest.

This is most often the most difficult step of the attraction process because most of us have self-limiting beliefs, especially about our ability to write something that will be published and millions of readers will love.

So here’s a trick to help overcome some of these limiting beliefs.

To express the belief that you can be the writer you wish to be, think, speak, and act as if you already are.

When you start living as if you already are who you wish to be and you already have what you want, you let go of any worry or question about manifesting it, and this worry or disbelief is what most often prevents the manifestation.

A good way to act as if you were already a best-selling author or a freelance writer is to talk to yourself about your book or your clients (a mirror works well for this).

As you’re getting dressed in the morning, for example, talk to yourself in the bathroom mirror about your big book signing that is coming up until you start to feel that you really do have a big book signing coming up.

Create some empowering affirmations and repeat them to yourself several times a day to help your subconscious overcome any limiting beliefs you have about writing success.

Start a Manifestation Journal, so you can begin living as your future self—a best-selling, world-famous author or a six-figure freelance writer.

Step 3: Prepare to Receive it.

Feel good about your request, fully knowing that it is on its way.

Again, don’t simply sit around and do nothing.

Take inspired action.

Start a blog and write posts for it, for example.

As you do, imagine you are writing these posts for a client.

How does this make you feel?

Start outlining your novel or put together your resume and some letters of introduction to send to potential clients.

Sign up for a writing class or attend an online writing workshop.

Join a community of other writers who will help you stay positive and motivated to be the writer you’ve always wanted to be.

As you take action, you’ll begin to notice things start to get easier, and the path to your goal starts to clearly appear, little by little. You can benefit from the law of attraction for writers.

Try it!

Oh, and one more thing…if you haven’t subscribed to The Morning Nudge, be sure to do that now, so you get our Law of Attraction Checklist for Writers and free access to our Private Resource Library for Writers, as well as a short email every weekday morning to help you manifest your writing dreams!

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