If you’re having trouble sticking to a weekly writing schedule, this weekly planner can help.

Use it to create your writing schedule each week, then once you’ve written down your schedule, think of each of your scheduled writing sessions as you would any other appointment and simply stick to your schedule.

Do this for a few weeks and soon you will have created a regular writing routine.

You’ll also have created some momentum for your writing, and it’s much easier to succeed at writing once you have at least a little momentum.


This planner has lots of space and extra pages for making notes about what you plan to write about during each session (and I highly recommend you make notes like this because it’s much easier and faster to get to work each day when you know what you want to write).

Best of all, unlike a hardbound or paperback planner, once you use all the pages in this printable planner, you can easily reprint all (or some) of the pages again and again and again.

I keep a writers notebook (which I call a project notebook) for my writing projects, and I print out my weekly planner pages and put them in this notebook so I have everything together.

Also, at the end of each writing session I complete, I like to jot down the word count for that session in my weekly planner.

Seeing all the words I write each session helps keep me motivated to stick to my schedule and keep writing all week.

It just might work for you, too.

Try it!

Get your Weekly Planner here now for ONLY $4.97!

Watch this short video to see how I am currently using this planner:


Happy writing!

Suzanne Lieurance

P.S. Click Here for another special planner.


  1. Enjoyed the video Only problem is I bought the Weekly Planner and I can’t seem to get access to it

    1. nomdepomme says:

      I will email it to you.

  2. Thanks so much for the video. I love seeing how other people plan out their days of creativity.

    1. nomdepomme says:

      Glad you enjoyed it.

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