Have a little writing fun this week with these creative writing prompts.

writing prompts for writing fun

1. Marti realized she had developed a sick headache during her afternoon at the office, and she knew the reason for it.

After her husband’s phone call at noon, her thoughts kept returning to what was waiting for her at home.

2. Lesley could not help but worry about the goose she saw every morning as it swam around the pond.

Nothing—not even a goose—should have to live its life so alone and forsaken.

3. The border collie reminded Dan of Lassie, the way the dog kept barking and darting around, as if he wanted Dan to follow him somewhere in the park.

“Okay, poochie,” Dan said to the dog. “I’ve got some time to kill. What do you want to show me?”

4. Ron checked the time and saw that he had been sitting on this highway of parked cars for nearly an hour.

His stomach was growling, and his bladder was starting to feel a bit full.

How long before traffic started moving again?

When he looked up through the front windshield again, he suddenly understood why no one’s car had moved for so long.

It was one of the scariest sights Ron had ever seen, and it was coming straight toward him!

5. “Someone should tell him,” Suzy whispered to Joan, pointing to Mr. Ferguson as he walked down the hall in front of them, “especially before he goes into the client meeting.”

“Well, then, why don’t you be the Good Samaritan and tell him!” Joan said quietly through clenched teeth.

The two coworkers looked each other in the eye for a long pause, and then could no longer contain themselves.

The young women slapped their hands over their mouths to muffle the sounds of their sniggering.

6. Alan wondered if someone had slipped something hallucinogenic into his tea or if he had finally left his senses and crossed over to that marvelous la-la land of the lost mind.

Before him stood a great shining beast that could not possibly exist in real, three-dimensional flesh.

7. Wendy told herself it had to be a dream.

She had awakened the moment she heard her name called sharply and clearly in the middle of the night.

She thought someone had spoken right in her ear and even thought she felt a person’s breath against her ear as her name was said in an intense manner.

8. The worst part about losing her memory, Mona decided, was the loss of those funny, heartwarming moments spent with her children as they were growing up.

Oh, how she wished she had kept a journal of those times while they were happening so that she could read about them now and relive them.

9. Ellen had been in counseling for decades, though her problems had little to do with addictions—at least as society and its mental health experts thought of addictions in the context of abnormal behavior.

Coming from a long line of alcoholics on both sides of the family (and a few cousins who had abused the harder drugs), Ellen was proud that counselors had defined her personality as non-addictive.

Still, there was one habit Ellen engaged in that had increased to the point where it was worrisome, even if it seemed no one was harmed by her behavior.

10. Simon knew he was going to be a real detective when he grew up.

So he thought he might as well start practicing now.

For more writing fun, get 101 Creative Writing Prompts here.

Try this site for more writing fun: Writers On The Move.

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