As writers, words are our trade.

Even so, we can sometimes get confused about certain words.

Here are a couple of writing related words that even writers may find confusing.

copyright definition

Copywrite and Copyright

Copyright Definition: The legal rights to your writing (or other creative work) are protected by copyright.

But, copywrite is something completely different.

Copywrite refers to the process of writing copy, usually ad copy or it could be an article for a blog or a magazine article.

These things are all considered copy.

But don’t say someone copywrites, even if he is a copywriter.

Say he writes copy.

Forward and Foreword

Another term that people confuse is forward, when they mean to say foreword.

Forward just means moving ahead.

But a foreword is a short introductory section of a book.

You might need someone to write a foreword for your book, for example, not a forward.

As a writer, you need to be aware of the words you are using at all times to make sure you are using the correct words.

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Copyright Definition – good to know for Kindle Direct Publishing

Articles on copyright:

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