Even if you have a successful freelance writing business, you could probably still take your career – and your business – to the next level and increase your income.

Here are seven ways to do that:

freelance writing business

1. Network, Network, Network

In business, it’s not so much WHAT you know as WHO you know, so networking is a great way to gain new clients.

Most successful freelance writers network both offline and online.

And it’s good to have a networking strategy.

Know WHO you want to network with and WHAT you have to offer these people and what you hope they can offer you.

2. Partner with Other Professionals

Many freelancers who build their businesses do so by joint ventures with other professionals.

Joint ventures are just one way to partner with one or more professionals in your field or in a related field that still caters to your target market.

To grow your business, look for partnership opportunities in professional clubs and associations you belong to.

3. Ask for Referrals

This is one of the easiest ways to build a business, yet it is very often overlooked or underused by most writers.

But when you have a list of happy clients, most of them will be glad to pass your name along to someone they know who might also benefit from your services.

Still, you need to ASK for referrals.

Don’t just assume your clients will tell their friends about you.

One good way to ask for referrals (without feeling like you’re begging or asking for a handout) is to offer a discount or credit to clients who bring you new clients.

4. Use Online Job Boards

You may think online job boards are just for beginning writers. But they can be a great source of quick income for any writer.

If your business is already well established, you may still turn to online job boards from time to time for extra money or to reach a specific income goal.

They can also help you fill in gaps in your schedule.

5. Publish, Publish, Publish

One of the best ways to build your business is to publish.

You’re a writer after all.

Get your name and your content out there.

Publish online.

Many print magazines also have online versions, submit to a few of those.

Publish in print.

Start with local and regional publications to gain some quick publication credits, then quickly move up to trade publications and finally national and international publications.

6. Offer a Free Report

Giveaways are an excellent way to gain prospects.

Reports can actually help you accomplish two tasks at once.

The content they contain helps establish you as a credible source of information and a good writer.

A free report can also drive new prospects to your website and motivate them to use your services.

7. Blog for Business

Finally, be sure you’re blogging.

Blogging on your own site helps drive traffic to your business and it establishes your brand.

Your content helps visitors see your writing ability and it should provide them with useful information.

Guest blog for other sites, too.

Guest blogging helps you reach more people who will learn about you and what you have to offer.

Building your business, and constantly taking it to new levels, requires planning and focus.

Try it!

If you’re trying to build a freelance writing business, here’s what to do while you’re waiting for work.

Here is a course on jumpstarting your freelance writing career: Only $9.97 Click here to purchase.

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how to grow your freelance writing business

grow your freelance writing business

how to build your freelance writing business
7 ways to build your freelance writing business

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