goal setting tips

If someone were to ask you right now what one step you could take to grow your writing business or writing career, what would you answer? What goal setting tips could you use?

Generally speaking there are three categories to look at.

And if you establish achievable goals in all three areas, you’re on your way to fantastic business or career growth and a good year.

#1 Income Goals

Income goals are just that.

They are “I want to make $XXX in profits this year.”

They require some pretty strategic planning.

You have to determine how you’re going to reach those income goals.

What are you going to add, change, get rid of, and so on?

If you’re building a writing business, for example, how many clients will you need each month and how much will you need to charge each of those clients in order to meet your income goals?

If you’re building a career as an author, how many books will you need to sell? What other streams of income can you create from your books (speaking engagements, workshops, etc.)?

#2 Audience Goals

An audience goal means that your goal is to grow your followers, prospects, and ultimately your leads.

This approach builds your exposure and awareness and generally leads to more profits because you’ll attract more clients if you’re building a writing business, or more readers if you’re building a career as an author.

Again, you’ll want to decide what an achievable audience goal is and how you’re going to achieve it.

#3 Product Goals

This refers to the goal of releasing new products or creating promotions for existing products.

Take a look at your existing funnel.

Explore your audience needs, motivations, and buying process.

How can you add more value with products or services and grow your business?

If you’re an author, what new book(s) can you write in the coming months?

If you’re building a writing business, what new writing services can you offer?

As you look at these goal categories, you’ll see that they support business or career growth and they support one another.

A larger audience increases profits; more products and promotions may also increase your income.

Identify your goal (in each of the 3 categories) for this year.

Break it down into smaller goals, set milestones, and achieve success.

Tools to Help You Reach Your Goals

In the next few days, I’ll be offering you some free templates and tools to make it easier to reach your goals.

Here is the first tool: Goal Setting Worksheet

I suggest you create a new folder on your desktop and label it “Resources from WritebytheSea” and once you download one of the resources, put it in that folder.

That way, you’ll be able to find these resources easily when you need them.

Try it!

Morning Nudge

P.S. To be sure you don’t miss out on any of the free resources here, get your free subscription to The Morning Nudge at www.morningnudge.com now, if you aren’t yet a subscriber.

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