Here are some new creative writing prompts to help you get a little writing practice every day, even during the holidays.

Use one prompt to create a short story or combine several prompts to come up with a story with an interesting twist.

creative writing prompts

1. Janice hated firing people. But Harry definitely had to go.

2. Every day on her way to work, Mary passed the same homeless man, standing on the corner with a piece of cardboard where he had printed (with a black marker) the words, “anything appreciated.”

3. Maisy wasn’t looking forward to Christmas this year.

4. It all started a few months ago when Sharon ordered a black leather handbag from QVC.

5. Every morning at exactly 6:15, Marian Whitcomb took her dog, Sadie, for a walk.

6. She should never have trusted him. What had she been thinking?

7. Marvin looked at Julie. “I think I’m falling in love with you,” he said.
Julie gulped. “But what about…?”

8. “Let’s run away for Christmas,” said Jason. “We’ll go someplace where no one who knows us will ever find us.”

9. Chloe wanted just one thing for Christmas, and she was determined to get it.

10. Jamie was surprised, but she was actually having a wonderful Christmas all alone.

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