If you’re working with a writing coach right now – or thinking of working with a writing coach – here are some tips for getting the most out of the experience.

3 Tips for Making the Most of Working with a Writing Coach

1. Make sure your coach takes the time to help you figure out what you want to accomplish through the coaching program and not what the coach would like to help you accomplish.

2. Once you and your coach have figured out what you want from coaching, listen to your coach.

Your coach should know what you need to do in order to get what you want.

However, if you don’t listen to your coach, and take his/her suggestions, your coach can’t really help you get what you want.

Think of it this way: It’s as if you are paying a coach to tell you whenever you’re about to drive into a brick wall that will not only stop you but might also harm you.

Yet—when your coach tells you that you are about to drive into a wall—do you listen and turn the wheel?

Or do you keep on driving toward the wall?

You should be doing the driving, so to speak.

Your coach can tell you what obstacles to avoid, but the coach can’t do the driving for you.

3. In order to get different results this year, you’re going to have to start doing some things differently in some regard.

Yet your natural tendency is to revert back to your old, comfortable ways.

But that’s probably why you’ve hired a coach in the first place—to help you develop more effective habits.

Yet if you give your coach excuses as to why you can’t take the new actions the coach is suggesting, don’t be surprised when you achieve the same results (or lack of results) as you’ve gotten in the past.

To get the most out of working with a coach, you’ll need to step outside of your comfort zone now and then.

But your coach is there to make this easier and easier to do.

But first, you need to trust your coach.

If you can’t do that, maybe you need to find a different coach.

Try it!

To Your Success,

Suzanne Lieurance, Your Writing Coach

P.S. Let me help you figure out what you want.

Check out my coaching programs.

I’m sure one is just right for you!

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