You may already know the power of publishing on Kindle, but did you know another great way to profit is to publish Kindle Singles?

kindle singles

These are short eBooks that you can publish to Kindle.

They are shorter than a novel, and can even be as short as a typical short story.

Anywhere from 5,000 words to 30,000 words will fit with a Kindle Single, although it works best for shorter works.

Amazon calls them “Kindle Singles” because they think of it kind of like introducing one song of an entire album of music, but for books instead.

They can be on any topic.

You can publish fiction, essays, reports, studies and even memoirs this way.

Are you ready to get started on your Kindle Single today?

Sign up for our mailing list, using the box, below, and you’ll gain immediate access to our guide to Kindle Singles in our Private Resource Library.

In this free guide you will discover:

° What makes Kindle Singles different than regular Kindle publishing
° Tips for getting your Kindle Single accepted with open arms
° Types of content that is best for Kindle Singles
° Examples of successful Kindle Singles to help give you inspiration
° The different ways you can use Singles for profit
° Examples of why Kindle Singles work so well in the marketplace

Don’t delay…get started writing your Kindle Single today to get on your way to profit! Sign up, below.

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