When people ask me how I manage to get so much done each day I tell them the secret is organization.

When you’re organized you don’t waste time trying to find things because you know where everything is.

organized writer

So spend some time today getting organized.

That might mean organizing your computer files into folders.

For example, I keep online “project folders” for each of my writing projects or assignments.

Then, when I want to work on a particular writing project, all I have to do is open that folder.

Getting organized might also mean creating a writing schedule for yourself, then using a planner to keep track of this schedule.

I use my big white dry eraser board and a daily planner for this.

But you can use whatever works for you.

Getting organized might also mean scheduling time for reading and responding to emails and posting on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

If you find you tend to spend too much time on these types of activities, set a timer for 20 minutes, when the timer goes off you’ll know it’s time to stop reading emails or posting on Facebook and other social media sites.

Become an organized writer and you’ll be a more productive writer, too.

Try it!

To Your Success,

Suzanne Lieurance

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