Here are more quick writing prompts from Joan Leotta – one for each day this week.

Use just one prompt a day to every a new story every day this week.

Try it!

writing prompts

1. You walk out of the house and see a robin on your lawn.

You decide to interrupt your work and take a walk.

About two blocks from your house you see a nest on the ground with one egg in it.

You stop and…

2. March is a month when the earth puts on her green in the northern hemisphere.

You are looking out your window thinking about this when the sky darkens, lightening flashes across the sky.

You will not be able to work in your garden today.

Instead you…

3. You can hear the music.

Your town’s St Patrick’s day parade is about to start.

Last year you were parade Marshall.

This year you are…

4. You do not believe in magic, however, the sudden appearance of a rainbow in the sky the day before St Patrick’s day leads you to…

5. The bluebird box/house in your backyard is active!

You are watching it when the neighbor’s large dog escapes his yard and comes running through the yard and accidentally knocks the pole and house over!

You run out into the yard and see that the bluebird’s egg has rolled out of the tiny house.

The dog wants to play, you spot the parent bluebirds flying back, you…

6. You are digging dandelions out from your front yard.

As you dig, you uncover a ring — a gold ring.

You ……

7. “Please tell me what to do.”

You are sitting in an outdoor coffee shop enjoying the first warm day of spring.

However, your ears have been assaulted by one side of the phone conversation of the person at the table next to yours.

You have heard her entire story.

Now you hear her plea.


Use these quick writing promtps and . . .

Click here for more writing prompts.

About Joan Leotta
Joan Leotta has been playing with words since childhood. She is a poet, essayist, journalist, playwright, and author of several books both fiction and non-fiction for children and adults.
Joan lives in Calabash, NC where she walks the beach with husband, Joe. You can contact her via her blog or her Facebook page.

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  1. Joan, each of your prompts stir the imagination and causes me to reach for a pen! Actually, I think I have found myself in several, including #7. Since I write non-fiction, each prompt tends to bring back some similar real-life experiences. Thanks for the timely prompts.

  2. Joan, nature lover that I am, I especially love the writing prompts that have to do with nature. I just may take you up on one of them. Thanks for sharing.

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