As a writing coach, I’m always reminding my clients to use strong verbs.

It’s also good to vary the verbs in a manuscript, so the same verb isn’t being overused.

For example, I tend to have many of my characters smile.

But, after a while, with so many people smiling, it feels as if the story is filled with a bunch of grinning idiots.

And that isn’t usually what I’m after, so during the editing process, I change some of the “smiles” to other, stronger verbs that are also less boring.

use strong verbs

Weak verbs tend to be boring verbs because they just don’t pack a punch the way strong verbs do.

Here are some weak or boring verbs we can overuse as writers, along with some stronger, more interesting, verbs to use instead.

16 Boring Verbs & What to Use Instead (Infographic)

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