More Goal Setting Tips

One of the things you need to start doing if you want to grow your writing business is track your income.


That way, you know exactly how much income you are generating and where your income is coming from.

It’s also important to track your progress in each of the other 2 goal categories:

Audience Goals
Product Goals

With these things in mind, I’ve got 2 more free resources for you today.

Be sure to download them and put them in a folder on your desktop labeled, “Free Resources from Write by the Sea” so you will have them handy as you need them.

The first is an income tracking spreadsheet.

Income Tracking Spreadsheet

Use it to track your monthly income as well as your monthly expenses.

You might want to add some sections to this spreadsheet so you can track where your income is coming from.

For example, are you earning money writing articles for corporate clients?

Are you earning income from selling your own books?

When you know where most of your income is coming from each month, then you’ll also know where to direct most of your marketing efforts.

The next free resource I have for you today is a worksheet to help you keep track of everything you need to do in each of the 3 goal categories.

You will want to print out a new copy of this worksheet each month and fill it in.

Goal Focused To-Do List

I think you’ll find this worksheet really helpful once you start using it because it will keep you focused on all 3 of your business goals.

To Your Success,

Morning Nudge

P.S. If you aren’t yet a subscriber, get your free subscription to The Morning Nudge now, so you don’t miss any of the free resources here.

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